Friday, June 27, 2008

Markers and Mormons

Sooo...I've been reminded that I've been neglecting my bloggie. Oops!

The last few weeks have been interesting. After several requests, I started a thread on Ravelry about Mormonism. I was a tad hesitant, considering that the last several times my religion came up, it became a pulpit at which to scream for weeks about how "Mormons aren't Christian," or to compare the terror of Mormonism to a neighbor who skins cats. Yes, I'm serious. In comparison, the sermon about how "ridiculous" we are seems pretty tame.

Perhaps you can understand my trepida
tion. But, really, it's turned out pretty well. People have been curious, but not argumentative (much), and though some people still find our beliefs peculiar, those same people seem to respect them for what they are, and appreciate a further explanation. It's even more interesting to me to hear comments like, "I was raised to believe that Mormonism was a cult--it's so obvious to me now that you're not. And that you worship Christ." Well, thank goodness for that! I guess I'd never really realized how many people had been taught that we're a cult. It makes me a little sad, but I'm pleased that some good has come of these discussions. I'd just expected to answer questions about whether we're polygamists, or whether we have horns. (No, and yes. Um, I mean no! Hee.)

In knitting news, I finally finished Martha for Mom! It was a *lovely* finished sweater. I was really nervous to hand it over to my picky, picky mother, but it went over well! She even WEARS it! Woohoo!

Since, I've made a Clapotis, finished off my Felted Clogs, and started a Plain Vanilla Pullover and a Simple Knitted Bodice in the BMFA MilkyWay I bought at Fiber Fest. It's going to be reeeeally pretty!

Oh! And the CESOB girls had a stitch-marker swap! Oh
my gosh--I'm a stitch marker makin' fool! It's so quick and fun, and I really enjoyed it. My only failing is that I'm not terribly ingenious when it comes to bead/color combinations. Some of the girls made really beautiful stuff...mine was just sort of pedestrian. But anyway, we each made six sets of markers and swapped, so I got six lovely sets (and a pair of earrings!) from all over the country. So fun! Thanks again, girls!


essjay said...

Those stitch markers are so pretty - as is all your knitting!

iKate said...

Skinning a cat...seriously? (Can you hear my eyes rolling?!?) Anyways--I'm glad you have a chance to give an educated voice to the discussion. And those stitch markers are so cute! I love the little cheesecakey-looking ones!!

Anna said...

Yey, a blog post from Jen! :)

I've been reading some in that thread of yours on Ravelry and I've learnt a great deal about Mormonism. It's interesting, even though I find it hard to believe that people live with these beliefs. No offense, I hope.

Your knitting looks great!

Mormons Are Christian said...
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Carrie said...

I'm so glad you started the thread - I think people learn lots from you, girl. And you are a fabulous shining example of Mormonism and good-personism for people, even when you're not talking about Mormonism specifically.

the stitch marker swap was SO FUN. we need to do another swap!

Jen said...

Yes, thanks, "Mormons are Christian," for your thoughts. I'm an active member of the LDS church, and am well aware of our Christianity. The great thing about being a member of the blogosphere, though, is the opportunity to explain our beliefs in my own words. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with yours.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Deleted comment! Was someone being not-nice? I'm growling at them.

I haven't seen your Mormonism thread, but bravo to you for being brave enough to educate! I'll tell ya the truth Jenn, I was one of those raised to believe that Mormonism is a cult. (Raised by my church to believe that I should say - not by my parents). It is interesting the tactics religions will use to maintain control over people. It's sad. I've stripped my entire faith and belief system down to bare bones and examined pretty much everything I was ever taught in my former life (fundie life) over the past ten years. Now I say, live and let live. Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.

Loves to you.

Julie R. said...

Hi Jen!! :heart:

Good for you for being a defender of your faith!! I can't go read your thread ... we both know what will happen. :teehee:

And the stitch markers are FANTASTIC!!!! SO cute!!!

lillysmum said...

Yeay, you're back! Isn't the Mormonism thread fun? LOL, at least it is more polite than the last Mormonism discussions. (thank goodness!)
And wow! You knit fast!

Alarming Female said...

Hi, Jen--

I drove through Caldwell the other day and thought of you. You're amazing on Ravelry and I learn so much from reading your thoughtful opinions, even when we disagree. Thanks for putting yourself out there!